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dc.contributor.advisorRie, Simone de la
dc.contributor.authorSengupta, Meha
dc.description.abstractMoral injury (MI) concerns an emotion-based trauma-reaction following moral violations, and is a phenomenon widely studied in refugees and occupational groups where high-stress moral decisions must be taken (veterans, nurses, police officers). The present study aimed to widen the scope of MI by considering social groups who may be at risk for developing moral injury, the specific focus in this study being individuals from racial and ethnic minorities. A correlational analysis of racial trauma in individuals from racial-ethnic minority groups and moral injury was conducted, as well as a moderation analysis between racial trauma (X), MI (Y) and centrality of the event(s) of racial trauma (M). Participants (N=65) completed an online survey with six questionnaires pertaining to MI and racial trauma, the analysis of which showed no significant correlation or moderation between the constructs. In order to improve clinical treatment of trauma, further investigation is necessary to better understand racial trauma and MI as cases of traumatic stress that are not encompassed by the conventional PTSD diagnosis.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectMoral injury (MI) concerns an emotion-based trauma-reaction following moral violations, and is a phenomenon widely studied in refugees and occupational groups where high-stress moral decisions must be taken (veterans, nurses, police officers). The present study aimed to widen the scope of MI by considering social groups who may be at risk for developing moral injury, the specific focus in this study being individuals from racial and ethnic minorities.
dc.titleDoes Racial Trauma Predict Moral Injury in Individuals with a Racial-Ethnic Minority Background?
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuClinical Psychology

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