A Review of Biofabricaton in Design Innovation Field
Biofabrication is a way of production involving any part of biological organisms, initially referring to tissue engineering in biomedical science. Because biofabrication has a cross- disciplinary feature and the knowledge in biotechnology is increasing, the concept and technique are gradually applied in other fields. Pioneers in sustainable design have seen its potential in expanding the possibilities and then dived into researching specific materials– biomaterials. Besides the scientific academia, designers have also used it to develop products further. It combines standard design tools and organisms that can be grown accumulatively. Designers have met multiple challenges in this fresh approach, especially when it confronts designers' customs and when product development is the intention. To deal with this problem, the values brought out by biofabrication are proposed to be understood and contemplated more, especially those hidden under the ecological effects, for instance, their original characteristics designed by Nature, the connectivity with society and human needs that trigger consumers' activity. By further diving deep into the integration, designers can exert their influence and create meaningful embodiments that contribute to sustainability in a broader context.