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dc.contributor.advisorBakkes, S.C.J.
dc.contributor.authorWerf, Joël van der
dc.description.abstractWanting to learn someone to play a video game is tightly tight to the concept of literacy, which means competence or knowledge in a specified area. In video games, we call this game literacy, which means we want people to increase their skills in playing video games. The common way of teaching a user game literacy is through the use of a tutorial which teaches the player the base mechanics of the game. Tutorials in most situations are created by designers which force players to complete some simple tasks in a certain order that learn them the base mechanics of the game. After completing the tutorial, the player plays through a series of levels, in which slowly the difficulty of the game scales up. The problem with this approach is that we have players of all kinds of different skill levels playing video games. We have to take the different skill levels of players into account. If we do not take the different skill levels of players into account, they might quit the game because of boredom or being too frustrated because of not making any progress in the game. To solve this problem, we propose a method that adaptively changes the generation of game levels based on the player’s performance in the game and tries to target the difficulty of the levels based on the player’s skill in playing video games. Our method focuses on generating game levels with game mechanics the user needs improvement on. Results show that our method is enabled to train people in their game literacy better than a baseline adaptive environment
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectProcedural game environment for training player skills using adaptive procedural content generation and player modeling.
dc.titleProcedural game environment for training player skills
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsProcedural Content Generation; Player modeling; Game literacy;
dc.subject.courseuuGame and Media Technology

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