The effect of perceived opinions of relatives on the social integration of migrants in the Netherlands: Based on participation in associations and minority-majority contacts
Pressure from relatives could withhold migrants from gaining bridging social capital, since family is shown to be an important factor regarding the integration of migrants (Kalmijn, 2019). Bridging social capital is positively associated with better social integration and opportunities in the host society for migrants (Kalmijn, 2019; Kogan, 2016; Lancee, 2010; Maliepaard et al., 2017; WODC, 2007). A way to increase bridging social capital is participating in associations and obtaining minority-majority contacts (Handy & Greenspan, 2008; Lancee, 2010). However, little focus is found in existing research on whether pressure from relatives affects minority-majority contacts and the participation in associations and thus social integration. Therefore, this research focuses on the influence of the perceived opinions of relatives on the participation in majority group associations and minority-majority contacts for migrants. Existing data from LISS database was used, obtained via an online survey among migrants in the Netherlands, on which a linear regression and two binary logistic regression analyses were performed. No significant relation was found between the perceived opinions and minority-majority contacts. Significant influence was found regarding the effect of perceived opinions on the participation in associations and the effect of minority-majority contacts on the participation in associations. Based on the results it can be concluded that minority- majority contacts stimulate social integration through participating in associations with majority group members. Migrants with more minority-majority contacts participate more in associations then migrants with less minority-majority contacts. Further research could provide more insights regarding these results.