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dc.contributor.advisorAleva, Liesbeth
dc.contributor.authorBrouwer, Annemieke
dc.description.abstractBullying is a worldwide problem. Many victims of bullying experience psychological complaints, such as depression and low self-esteem. However, the course of these complaints after bullying are unknown. The current study investigated the course of depressive symptoms and self-esteem in the two years after a child had been bullied. In addition, differences in gender and between westerners and non-westerners were examined. Data from a previous study with 1192 participants were used. We selected 237 participants between the age of 8 and 12 years at the first measurement (M = 10.2; SD = .5). The participants were given a questionnaire that the entire class completed at the same time. Subsequently, a personal interview took place. Positive, but opposed to expectations, depressive symptoms appeared to decrease and there was no more negative self-esteem over time. In addition, there was no difference in depressive symptoms over time between boys and girls. In accordance with expectations, girls appeared to have a lower self-esteem than boys during measurement moments 1 and 3. During measurement moment 2, self-esteem did not differ between gender. Furthermore, it appeared that non-westerners experienced more depressive symptoms than westerners during measurement moment 2, which was in line with expectations. During measurement moments 1 and 3, the self-esteem did not differ between westerners and non-westerners. Opposed to expectations, there appeared to be no difference in self-esteem between non-westerners and westerners. Current study knows some limitations, for example that is was not included in the analyses whether or not de children were bullied during measurements 2 and 3. When future research studies would include this, a more evident image could be given on the course of symptoms within a certain victim group. Current research is the first study to the development of symptoms by bullying, more elaborate research is necessary for detailed results.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectIn de huidige studie werd onderzocht hoe het verloop is van depressieve symptomen en het zelfbeeld in de drie achtereenvolgende jaren bij slachtoffers van pesten. Daarnaast is gekeken naar verschillen in gender en tussen westerlingen en niet-westerlingen.
dc.titleDepressieve Symptomen en het Zelfbeeld in Slachtoffers bij Pesterijen: Gender en Immigratie.
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsdepressie; zelfbeeld; pesten; cultuur; gender; depression; self-esteem; bullying; gender; culture
dc.subject.courseuuClinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

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