Factors for high perceived Service Quality in Air Taxi Services
There are different ways to understand how customers assess the service they used. One of them is creating the Service Quality model which helps understand the factors, that users consider when they develop their opinion. To understand how potential customers perceive the quality of service of Air Taxis, the following question was explored: what are the factors for high perceived Air Taxi service quality? To present meaningful findings research consisted of pre-study, which was attending to Urban Air Mobility fair, desk research, that presented case studies about the two largest Air Taxi firms, and six interviews with potential customers of Air Taxis. Factors were grouped into three dimensions. First, interaction quality connects with expertise and behavior factors. Second, physical environment quality is linked with the factor of other passengers, comfort, interior design, and additional features on the landing station. The final dimension, outcome quality, consists of two findings: time and experience from the flight. All the factors were later juxtaposed with the initial design of Air Taxis.