#nofilter How beauty filters affect the internalization of beauty ideals
It is known that exposure to beauty filters on social media has extensive negative
consequences for women, like lower body image, social anxiety and depression. In this
study, it was examined what the relationship is between exposure to beauty filters and the
internalization of beauty ideals and whether this relationship is controlled by the
‘perceived importance of beauty ideals’ and moderated by the ‘participants’ own beauty
filter use’? Women between 18 and 35 years old (N = 103, M age= 22,77) filled out an
online questionnaire and were exposed to AI-generated pictures of women either without
or with a beauty filter. Contrary to the expectations, it was found that there were no
differences in participants’ internalization of beauty ideals when they were exposed to
pictures without or with a beauty filter. Therefore, there was also no covariate or moderator
found in this relationship. However, it was found that participants’ own perceived
importance of beauty ideals and participants’ own beauty filter use were significant
predictors for participants’ internalization of beauty ideals. Therefore, it is recommended
that women will receive psycho-education about how they can protect themselves against
the negative consequences of exposure to beauty ideals, by being less worried about beauty
ideals and/or using fewer beauty filters themselves. This study has risen attention to the
fact that women are not just victims of their online environment filled with beauty filters,
but they can themselves have an influence on how they let this online environment affect
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