Obtaining diffuse scattering signal from X-ray diffraction experiments on lysozyme
For decades, X-ray diffraction has been used to determine protein structures in
crystals to atomic level. Nevertheless, while performing X-ray diffraction
experiments, the information regarding the dynamics of the protein molecule has
been largely ignored. This information is contained in the so called diffuse
scattering signal. However, obtaining this diffuse scattering signal remains
challenging because of its low intensity and strong overlap with the signal
originating from the crystal solvent. In this research we describe how to make
suitable protein crystals and how to perform X-ray diffraction experiments to
maximize the diffuse scattering signal. Furthermore, we describe methods to
mask intense features such as Bragg reflections and ice scattering. Then we
demonstrate the mapping and scaling of experimental images to the 3-
dimensional reciprocal space. These experimental 3-dimensional reciprocal
space maps can be compared to reciprocal space maps of models that represent
the diffuse scattering signal. We observe that using method III, sharp features
such as Bragg reflections can be removed as good as performing a modefilter.
Next, if Any is not able to calculate scalefactors without fluctuations, the mean can
be used after strong intensities that do not occur at least 1% as the most frequent
occurring intensity have been removed. Using this approach the experimental
reciprocal space maps show similar features compared to the model maps
concluding that this newly described method can be used to isolate the diffuse
scattering signal. Nevertheless, many features in the model map cannot be
observed in the experimental map. We suggest that this is rather due to the low
photoncount obtained during X-ray diffraction experiments than experimental
data processing and asks for a different approach in performing X-ray diffraction