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dc.contributor.advisorDeoskar, Tejaswini
dc.contributor.authorLokhorst, Erik
dc.description.abstractThe focus in this thesis is on developing models and resources that will be useful for the Dutch medical domain. This domain lacks annotated data and domain-specific models. In the fist part of the thesis, GloVe embeddings (Pennington et al., 2014) are developed. However, evaluating the quality of these embeddings is a challenge, given the lack of annotated resources for medical Dutch. The second part of the thesis presents experiments using a novel domain adaptation method, Domain Adversarial Neural Networks, which is getting attention for domain-adaptation problems in NLP. The network is trained on a Named Entity Recognition task and a Part-of-Speech tagging task, with and without (English) medical embeddings. Its performance and suitability for various domain-adaptation scenarios is evaluated.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectIn the first part of the thesis GloVe embeddings are developed. The second part of the thesis presents experiments using a novel domain adaptation method: Domain Adversarial Neural Network. The network is trained on a PoS and NER task.
dc.titleExperiments with GloVe embeddings and Domain Adversarial Neural Networks on the Dutch medical domain
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsDANN; adversarial training; neural nets; neural network; GloVe; word embeddings; domain adaptation; medical NLP; low resource domain; dutch language; dutch medical domain; part-of-speech tagging; pos tagging; named entity recognition; NER;
dc.subject.courseuuArtificial Intelligence

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