Investigating Best Factor Model Fit for the EDE-Q Among Dutch Patients Suffering from Binge Eating Disorder
Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) is considered to be a practical alternative to the Eating Disorder Examination Interview. However, its factor structure is based purely on theoretical grounds. Empirical research has failed to replicate the original four factor model of EDE-Q, consisting of dietary restraint, eating concern, shape concern, and weight concern. Consequently, different factor structures have been suggested and tested. Only one study to this date has examined the factor structure of EDE-Q on a Dutch sample diagnosed with binge eating disorder. This paper aims to examine the factor structure of eating disorder examination questionnaire on a sample of Dutch patients with binge eating disorder (N= 256). Best model fit was analyzed via confirmatory factor analysis. None of the proposed factor structures were an exact fit for this sample. The brief one factor model consisting of 8 items and measuring eating disorder pathology in general was found to be the best fitting model. These results implicate that EDE-Q only measures general eating disorder pathology, and not the specific facets of eating disorders. Further research is recommended to consider the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and gender differences in eating disorders on measurements of eating disorders, and to create a more psychometrically sound measurement tool to assess specific eating disorder facets or include additional materials to measure other aspects of eating disorder pathology.