A Drop in the Ocean: Water deprivation as a Force of Mobilization and Dissent in the West Bank
This study analyzes the question: how does water deprivation instigate forces of
mobilization and dissent in the West Bank and to what extent could these events give rise to more
collective action or political violence? To answer this question four issues are analyzed.
First, in which ways are Palestinians in the West Bank are deprived of water, and how do they
perceive this deprivation? Second, how did the water deprivation instigate forces of mobilization in
the West Bank? And what were the incentives and mechanisms for the Palestinian protests? Third,
how does the water deprivation create forces of dissent? Last, why has a social movement not
emerged and what is the likeliness that Palestinians would resort to political violence?
Water deprivation is seen to be the prime motivator for the water protests. Other
incentives such as the context of protest-encouraging relations, social expectations and perceived
influence of the protests have proven to be strong indicators. The failure of a social movement can
be attributed to the inability to form new connections and spread the contention, which has inhibited rather than promoted the creation of a
social movement. Violent political actions are not found likely due to the weak norms of violence.