From disposable to washable: A case study about the most important barriers for consumers to use washable baby diapers
Consumption is increasing: world population increases buth also individual consumption is rising. At the same time pollution and waste generation are becoming more pressing problems. Sustainable consumption is often mentioned as one of the key factors tackle the pollution problems and to create a sustainable economy instead. However, what is sustainable consumption actually,what are the barriers for consumers to make more sustainable choices and how to address these barriers? This research focussed on these questions by taking baby diapers as an example. Why baby diapers? First, the polluting product - disposable- is the norm while there is a usable sustainable alternative namely the washable diaper. Secondly, the waste generation due to disposable baby diapers is massive and recycling of this kind of product is expensive and difficult. Thirdly, local, national and European levels of governments already tried to address the problem but with little success so far. This research focussed on the barriers that consumers experience and developed based on that multi-level policy suggestions to stimulate washable diaper consumption. Both neo-classical and behavioural economic insights are taken into account and evaluated on applicability.