De rol van de opvoedambassadeur; Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de rol van de opvoedambassadeur
In order to meet the needs of parents with a migration background, Stichting Stimulance offers the projects Weerbaar Opvoeden (WO) and Opvoedambassadeurs aan zet (OAAZ). Within the latter project so-called parenting ambassadors are voluntarily deployed. Due to the overlap between the two programs, they will be integrated into one new program: WO (2021-2023). Among other changes, the parenting ambassadors will be involved with more complex problems. It is not always clear to the parenting ambassadors where their role and responsibilities lie. Several researchers have pointed out that there are risks and negatives if the role of volunteers is not well defined, among those overexertion of the volunteer. This qualitative research study examines the informal support role of the parenting ambassadors in the new project and what they need in terms of knowledge and competence to fulfil this role. Results may help prevent overexertion. This research consists of three parts: first it examines the roles in the projects OAAZ and WO (2021-2023); secondly which knowledge/competencies parenting ambassadors possess and what they need to perform succesfully in the new project; thirdly, how cooperation with professional parenting support should take shape. Interviews were held with the project coordinator (n=1), parenting ambassadors (n=8), project staff (n=2) and professionals (n=4). The results showed that there is no fundamental change to the role of the parenting ambassadors, but that execution of the role will be more uniform. More training is needed. Closer cooperation through regular meetings between parenting ambassadors and professionals is recommended.