Contemporary Bifröst
In May 1973, a religious organisation was officially recognised by the Icelandic government. This new religious organisation, the Ásatrúarfélagið, was comprised of a handful of Icelanders eager to reconnect to the old Norse religion. This paper aims to evaluate the attempt made by the members of the Ásatrúarfélagið to revive the old Norse religion and determine whether it is a modern adaptation or direct successor of the old Norse religion. Evidence produced in the following chapters testifies to this attempt, yet also shows the discrepancy between the old Norse religion and the Ásatrúarfélagið. One of the main reasons is a lack of literary sources which have not been heavily influenced by Christian frameworks and motives. This lack of knowledge on acts such as the rituals performed by the members of the Ásatrú is consequently amended through improvisation and assimilation. Personal connections to the old Norse religion through the bloodlines of current members exist, yet whether this is a continued tradition or a revived interest because of German Romanticism is not known. The resulting conclusion is that the Ásatrú is a modern adaptation of the old Norse religion.