Veerkracht als beschermende factor voor het Welzijn van Adolescenten in Multiprobleemgezinnen
Adolescents who grow up in a multi-problem family are confronted with the complex, problematic nature of their family situation. Current research examines how growing up in a multi-problem family might negatively effect the well-being of these adolescents and whether resilience could be a factor that protects the well-being of these adolescents. This study focused on adolescents (n = 137) between the ages of 10 and 24 years old. Out of this group, 91 adolescents grew up in a multi-problem family environment and the other 46 adolescents functioned as the population sample. As anticipated, the results illustrated that resilience has a significant effect on well-being (p = <.001). This effect van be interpreted as large (f² = .40). Notably, the results also showed that there was no difference in the levels of wellbeing between the two groups. In addition, results show no differences between the two groups when the factors multi-problem family and resilience occur together. It can therefore be concluded that resilience in adolescents is a protecting factor for their well-being. Stronger resilience equals a stronger feeling of well-being. These results offer an insight into the development of prevention and intervention measures, and suggest that these can be established by measuring the resilience in adolescents as a way to more effectively judge the risk of decreased levels of well-being. Finally, increasing the resilience in adolescents can also serve as a measure to prevent their well-being from decreasing.