Studies for the early electromagnetic fields at LHC energies
In subatomic physics, one of the main questions is what happens to matter at extreme temperatures and energy densities. In this thesis, we study the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) using heavy-ion collisions. The collisions studied are modelled by the AVFD framework. The expansion of the QGP is described by the elliptic flow and the triangular flow. We calculate these flow coefficients for Pb-Pb collision at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV for various centrality intervals. The goal of the project is to identify signals of the early stage magnetic field in the motion of final state particles. An adequate probe proposed by theory is the elliptic and triangular flow of different charges. The flow of positive and negative charges is determined separately and the ratio is plotted as a function of centrality. We find that for 2 and 4 particle correlations of elliptic flow, and for 2 particle correlations of triangular flow, the flow of the positive and negative charges are not compatible. These differences have been related to the magnetic field induced by the spectator nucleons.