Employment of People with Disabilities.
People with disabilities (PWD) experience lower employment rates than people without disabilities. To improve the employment position of PWD, it is vital that employers hire them. Several factors seem to influence the intention and behavior of employers regarding the employment of PWD. This study examines how ‘organization size’, ‘sector’, ‘priority to hire PWD in organizational policy’, ‘feeling of responsibility to hire PWD’, and ‘knowledge of governmental financial incentives’ influence the hiring intentions of employers. An existing dataset, called Arbeidsvraagpanel 2017 (labor demand panel study), was used to explore the determinants of hiring intention regarding PWD of Dutch employers. Chi-square tests were used to find differences in intention between different categories of the independent variables, and a binary logistic regression was performed to see whether the determinants were significant predictors for hiring intention. It was found that the studied factors were associated with intention to hire PWD, but to a different extent and in different manners. The main findings indicate that larger organizations more often intend to hire PWD. Besides, public sectors have shown to more often have the intention to hire PWD. Also, employers that have knowledge of governmental financial incentives more often intend to hire PWD. However, not all variables added to predicting hiring intention. The findings of this study contribute to understanding what factors influence and determine whether employers intend to hire PWD. Through this, the findings can contribute to future policy development, because they can help indicate what factors should or can be tackled. Based on the conclusion of this study, it is recommended to do further research on more possible determinants, interactions between determinants, and the potential gap between hiring
intention and actual hiring behavior.