Zelfcontrole en coping strategieën bij peuter
The aim of this study was to get an answer to the question “To what extent do visual coping mechanisms influence self-control in young children and to what extent do visual coping mechanisms of the parentsplay a role in this? ”.This question was posed because good self-control is an important predictor for positive things later in life. There is no research yet on the role that parents play in the self-control of their child. In the method section a research design is proposed to study what kind of copingmechanisms parents use and what influence this has on the coping strategies of the child. In the qualitative analyses two videos were coded for what kind of coping strategies the children used in a delay of gratification task. One child didn’t show copingmechanisms at all and the other child mostly used verbal coping strategies. In the quantitative analyses a data analyses was done in which the question “Do early behavioral characteristics of the child have influence on the performance on the delay of gratification task?”. The data showed that only impulse control had an influence on the performance on the task, but not if SES, gender and starting age on daycare was controlled for. In the discussion section the implications for further research are being discussed. The problems encountered during the writing of this thesis are also discussed.