The relationship between the density of social networks and teacher well-being
The aim of this study is to examine the relation between the density of a social network in primary education schools and teacher well-being. The social network within a school and the perceived well-being of teachers were mapped through data obtained by an online questionnaire. This study explored social networks in organizations and in schools and teacher well-being. Social networks can be dense or centralized. According to previous studies, well-being increased due to social support, balance and relatedness. This study found no significant correlation between the density of an expressive or instrumental social network and teacher well-being. This study supports the claim that instrumental networks are more centralized than expressive networks, the management is a central actor within these networks. The privacy of the participants was a limitation before and during the study. For future research is suggested to conduct interviews to create a more complete social network and to study the different factors which could influence the social network.