Behavioural Intention of Teachers for Teaching Computational Thinking in Primary Education
Teachers are challenged with the task of teaching Computational Thinking (CT) to their students. This study seeks to identify factors and their influence that initiate teachers to implement CT in their teaching programs. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is used to gain insight into factors that influence people’s intention to perform behaviour. The influence of policies and a shared vision on school level was also taken into account. A questionnaire was used and spread among teachers (n = 73) of schools who were interested in implementing CT in their education. Structural equation modelling was used to see if the independent variables (1) attitude; (2) subjective norm; (3) perceived control; (4) policy & vision, influenced the dependent variable “intention to use CT”. The relationship among the independent variables was also measured. Subjective norm and perceived control seemed to significantly influence the teachers’ intention to implement CT in teaching programs. Correlations were found between all independent variables, these variables influence each other and might suggest indirect effects of both attitude and policy & vision on the intention of teachers to implement CT in teaching programs.