Enemy Construction in Argentina 1976-1983 --- How did the Argentinian Military Dictatorship Construct an Enemy?
This research investigates how the Argentinian military dictatorship constructed an enemy between 1976-1983. This was done by means of analyzing the Nunca Más report. In addition, conceptual and analytical frameworks such as securitization and enemy construction have been used in order to illustrate and identify four main enemy construction tactics. In conclusion, the Argentinian military regime constructed an enemy that was not nearly as dangerous as they made them out to be. The military demonized their leftwing opponents through speech acts and reinforced their choice to do so by pushing blame upon ‘’the subversives.’’ They created narratives to justify their excessive violence. These narratives were then reinforced through domination of the Argentinian public. The securitization process provides a framework for these actions. In short, the Argentinian military used dehumanization, blame, framing, and domination to construct their enemy and shape reality in a way that justified their actions.