In hoeverre is fysieke discipline en overbescherming door ouders bij kinderen van 5 tot en met 12 jaar gerelateerd aan internaliserend probleemgedrag en verschilt dit voor jongens en meisjes?
Background. The aim of this study was to examine if a high degree of physical punishment and overprotection is related to a high degree of internalizing problem behavior in children and if there was a moderation effect by child sex. Method. In this study, 231 parents have completed a questionnaire about their children (46% girls and 54% boys) in the age of 5 to 12 years old. The Comprehensive General Parenting Questionnaire and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire were used to measure physical punishment, overprotection and internalizing problem behavior. Results. A high degree of physical punishment is significant related to a high degree of internalizing behavior problems. On the other hand, a high degree of overprotection isn’t significant related to a high degree of internalizing behavior problems. Sex wasn’t a significant moderator in these associations. Discussion. A high degree of physical punishment is significant related to a high degree of internalizing behavior problems. Prevention programs, targeting physical discipline, could be developed to prevent this problem behavior. This study does not completely correspond with previous research. This could be certified by age differences and because the consequences of overprotection might show up later in life.