About Fidelity - Exploring fidelity discourse through the case of Full Metal Alchemist
This paper explores the role of fidelity as a part of the adaptation theory through a case in the manga and anime industry. The case in question is the manga Full Metal Alchemist and its two anime adaptations. After looking at where adaptation and fidelity currently stand as phenomena in their own right and in relation to one another, this paper delves into the specific case of Full Metal Alchemist. Through an analysis of the available information about the creation and stories of the two adaptations, this paper discusses the role of fidelity in adaptation research. What becomes clear after studying the case of Full Metal Alchemist is that fans and critics consider the second and more faithful adaptation to be the better one. After the analysis, this paper seeks to present a possible new perspective on the topic of fidelity in adaptation but at the same time acknowledges that future research will be needed.