What effect does leadership style has on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour? The effect of Transformational Leadership on two dimensions of OCB
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of transformational and transactional leadership on two OCB dimensions. OCB is behaviour that is done by employees, but that is not part of the formal job description. Based on previous research, four hypotheses are drawn that predict that transformational and transactional leadership have different effects on affiliative OCB and challenging OCB. Furthermore, the OCB motive impression management is hypothesized to directly affect affiliative OCB, and to be moderated by transformational leadership to impact challenging OCB. One hundred and eighty employees, from different Dutch companies, with at least one manager, participated in this study. Participants answered 7-point Likert scale questions, rating their perception of their leaders transformational and transactional leadership style, their own challenging and affiliative OCB and their own impression management motive. Analysis was done with multiple regression and moderation analysis. Results show no significant results for all hypotheses. Transformational leadership significantly impacts both challenging as affiliative OCB, but one no more than the other. This research shows that there is more to know about the differences in the kinds of OCB and leadership. The role of impression management also needs to be further examined because of conflicting results among researchers.