A Battle against Boredom: How to Challenge Students who Excel at English
Students who experience boredom in class because they are not challenged can develop behavioral issues. These students, who appear to be amply present in Dutch schools, risk other, longer-lasting, consequences as well, such as mental laziness and perfectionism. Material was designed to counteract the presence of boredom among advanced learners of English. This material was based on, among other theories regarding education and motivation, the Enrichment Triad Model. Central to this model is that students work in a similar manner, so using the same strategies, as an artistic or academic expert would. Students who worked with the challenge booklets were given six weeks to finish a project. They could either work on a project of their choice or follow the steps and instructions the booklets provided to learn how to set up a fictional world with well-rounded characters.
To measure effects the material had, if any, two sets of interviews were conducted. The first set was completed before the students were allowed to work with the Challenge booklets. The second one took place after the period of six weeks with the material had passed. Comparing the results from the two sets showed that material had been effective. The atmosphere in class drastically improved while the material was used. Nine out of the ten interviewed participants stated that the amount of challenge they experienced during classes had increased. Especially the autonomy the booklets provided was mentioned as motivating by the participants.