Thoughts and Tears: The Manifestation of Ascetic Piety in the Lives and Writings of Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich
Piety was an important part of daily life in the Late Middle Ages. However, Piety is a very broad term. In order to find out what was deemed a pious life in this period the focus of this paper will be on two women, who lived in the late 14th- early 15th century in East England. This thesis investigates how religious devotion manifested itself in the daily lives of Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich. The contrasting choice they make to either travel through the world or to remove themselves from the world is the most obvious difference between them. This choice influences and explains all the other forms of piety in their lives. However, when the different circumstances which exist as a result of being an anchoress or not, are not taken into account, it becomes clear that, in essence, they follow the same principles of ascetic piety. The relationship with Christ is what brings Margery and Julian together, but since they have different attitudes towards being the bride of Christ they make different choices in their piety. Margery can be labelled as more worldly, whereas Julian is more focused on the metaphysical. The Book of Margery Kempe and Revelations of Divine Love attract different readers, just like the women did during their lives. Julian and Margery have different means to communicate their piety. They share the goal to teach their audiences about their personal relationship with God and what this has learned them. This is essentially what binds these two very different women together. The manifestation of their piety might be contrasting but the focus of it their pious live is the same God.