Does the Dutch shoreface change? The deviation within the migration pattern of nearshore sandbars.
In this study, sandbars are detected within the Dutch coastal areas. To see if, through the years, the pattern in which they migrate change a time-series analysis has been carried out. Earlier research mostly looked at the highest point of the sandbar related to sandbar detection. In this study, the shape of the sandbar is also of importance. Looking at the change of location and the change of shape, an overall view of sandbar migration is visualised. To detect sandbars, a 'reference surface' has been used. With a time-series analysis, the patterns are visualised. The result is an overview of different patterns that are detected near Dutch coastal areas. With a validity analysis, where different parameters within the analysis were changed, the impact on the results is investigated. Patterns found in the literature were also found in data, with some exceptions. In the end, each specific sandbar has its own specific pattern.