Heating transition in the Netherlands : Analysis of selected municipal pilot plans for the transition to natural gas-free heating for Dutch neighbourhoods
By 2050, all Dutch neighbourhoods have to be heated natural gas-free. TheNetherlands has decided to minimise natural gas-extraction due to increasingearthquakes in the province of Groningen and as parts of fulfilling the ParisAgreements. In order to meet this goal, all Dutch municipalities must come up with aheat transition plan for their neighbourhoods by 2021. The Dutch government hasallowed municipalities to come up with pilot plans, on how they aim to makeneighbourhoods natural gas-free in the near future. 27 of these plans were selectedand received the funding.Three of these pilot plans for the energy transition to natural gas-freeneighbourhoods in the Netherlands were analysed in this thesis. The aim was to findout the involvement of private homeowners in the pilot plans, and how to improvethis involvement to maximise the success of this energy transition. In order to analysethe involvement, a programme theory (logic model) framework was used, togetherwith interviews from the responsible persons at the municipality and supplementedby literature.For all three pilot plans, homeowner involvement in the pilot plans was foundto be insufficient. In the plans, homeowners were to be informed and made aware ofthe pilot. Plans of concrete steps to involve the homeowners were either missing orincomplete. There was a discrepancy found for two out the three municipalities wherehomeowners were actively involved in sustainability initiatives.Municipalities are advised to start informing homeowners about the energytransition and including them in making plans from early on. They are alsoencouraged to get to know their residents well to increase acceptance for eventualenergy transition programmes. Residents who are not engaged in programmes and donot feel that they have contributed to the programme are likely not to accept theprogramme. With the majority of Dutch homes being privately owned, the energytransition will not become a success without the cooperation of homeowners.