Het Effect van Rots en Water op het Psychosociale Welzijn via de Emotieregulatie van Eerstejaars Vmbo-leerlingen in Nederland
Objective: In this research it was investigated whether there was an effect of Rock and Water (R&W) training on the psychosocial well-being of first year prevocational education students in the Netherlands and whether this effect was mediated by their emotion regulation. Method: 616 first year prevocational education students filled out surveys about their psychosocial well-being (Youth Self Report & KIDSCREEN-27) and their emotion regulation (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale) before and after the intervention. The sample consisted of 324 boys (52,60%) and 292 girls (47,40%) and the average age of the students was 12,87 (SD = 0,58). The schools were randomly assigned to a control condition, in which the students received Care As Usual, and an intervention condition, in which students received R&W-training. Result: The results showed that the conditions were not significantly related to the psychosocial well-being, nor to the emotion regulation after the intervention. This showed that R&W-training was not more effective in improving the psychosocial well-being and the emotion regulation than Care As Usual, and that there was no mediation effect. Conclusion: More research is needed on the effectiveness of different interventions aimed at the improvement of the psychosocial well-being and emotion regulation of prevocational education students in the Netherlands and on the processes that are involved in this improvement. With this knowledge, critical choices can be made regarding the interventions that should be used for improving their psychosocial well-being.