In Hoeverre Ervaren Jongeren van 13 tot en met 16 jaar een Leerproces in de Ontwikkeling van Creativiteit en Autonomie op TikTok?
Many quantitative research has been done especially about the negative effects of social media use on youth. In this qualitative research will be investigated to what extent adolescents experience a learning process in the development of creative skills and autonomy by using TikTok. More insight in how adolescents experience their own learning development will be helpful to design effective educational methods based on 21st-century skills. This research is split up in two separate sub-questions: firstly, it is investigated how adolescents experience their learning process in terms of creativity. Secondly, it will be investigated if this development is being experienced as autonomous. The whole research takes place around an application called TikTok, because this application is very popular among adolescents at the moment. Method: In this research, ten participants in the age of 13 until 16 years old were being interviewed. The answers are coded and categorized under six general themes: intrinsic motivation, artistic process, creative development, parental guidance, social influence and autonomous learning experiences. Conclusion: Several conclusions can be made referred to the first sub-question. First of all, the majority of the participants experience becoming more creative since their use of TikTok and experience having complete creative freedom. Second of all, the participants state that they can express their own creativity on TikTok and that these creative skills have developed over time. At last, the participants state that they find it important that they can implement skills developed within TikTok into real life. Conclusions referred to the second sub-question are firstly that the participants partly experienced autonomy towards their parents. They do not experience full autonomy. Secondly, a paradox is found which mentions that the participants do not experience full autonomy towards their friends and other users of TikTok. At last, the participants experienced their learning moments on TikTok as relatively autonomous towards their parents.