Can ValueFlow predict likeability of a commercial? An investigation of moment-to-moment affective reactions and the relation to marketing metrics
The purpose of this study is to investigate the integration of moment-to-moment affective experiences
of a commercial into an overall evaluation. The company Validators has developed a
moment-to-moment measurement tool, called ValueFlow, in which during the course of a commercial
a person indicates their positive or negative affect to obtain insight into the dynamic structures of an
television advert. The focus of the study is whether certain parts or key elements based on the
psychological heuristic ‘peak-end rule’, have more influence in creating a well-liked commercial.
Also, an explorative study was conducted to investigate to which extent the moment-to-moment
affective experiences transfer to other well-known marketing metrics and how ValueFlow compares
to overall commercial liking. Contradictory to existing literature, results of the study show no
evidence for an effect of the peak-end rule. The moment-to-moment affective reactions show strong
relationships with brand liking, call-to-action and branding. For the moment-to-moment affective
experiences, a comparable transfer was found as overall ad liking, indicating further validation of the
use of ValueFlow as a valid marketing measurement tool.