De beleving van ouderbetrokkenheid in het Basisonderwijs:Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het verschil in beleving tussen Marokkaans-Nederlandse en Turks-Nederlandse ouders
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences between experiences
of parental involvement among Moroccan-Dutch parents and Turkish-Dutch parents. Methods:
The data were gathered by semi-structured, 45 minutes interviews with four Turkish-Dutch
mothers, four Moroccan-Dutch mothers, one Turkish-Dutch father and one Moroccan-Dutch
father. Conclusion: In general, minimal differences are found among the experiences of parental
involvement among Moroccan-Dutch and Turkish-Dutch parents. When looking at the items
individually, a few differences are found. First of all, Moroccan-Dutch parents report that they
will tell when they aren’t satisfied with something, while Turkish-Dutch parents report that they
are more likely to hold back when they are not satisfied with something. Second of all,
Turkish-Dutch people more often report that they are critical to themselves and how they raise
their children than Moroccan-Dutch parents. Discussion: Further studies should make use of
larger samples and should include parents from different generations and parents who can not
speak dutch, to achieve a higher generalizability.