Beschermende Factoren voor het Vergroten van de Educatieve Veerkracht van Alleenstaande, Minderjarige Vreemdelingen tussen de Zestien en Achttien jaar
Aim: Because protective factors may increase the resilience of unaccompanied refugee minors [URM] and school is an important factor in the well-being of URM, the aim of this study was to provide insight into what, according to URM and professionals, are protecting factors for increasing the educational resilience of URM between sixteen and eighteen years old. Method: Through semi-structured interviews with URM (n=11) and professionals (n=8) is investigated how they think personal characteristics, support systems and positive school climate can be protective factors. Results: URM were committed to school in order to achieve their goals. Professionals thought it would be beneficial for the academic development of URM if URM were dedicated to school within and outside the school. According to professionals and URM, URM feel most supported by teachers, housing counselors and peers. URM and professionals indicated that URM need teachers and housing counselors who listen well, show understanding and work together. In addition, they stated that contact with peers from different cultural backgrounds is good for learning the Dutch language. In the end, discrimination in the school should be prevented and school should be a safe place for students, where teachers are patient and listen to the students. Discussion: To increase the educational resilience of URM, professionals should stimulate the goal orientation, motivation and efforts of URM and encourage URM to find extracurricular activities. Schools should invest time in creating a safe and welcoming environment in the school.