De affectieve relatie tussen ouders en kind en het slachtoffer zijn van sibling bullying
The present study aimed to investigate whether positive and negative affective relationships with parents predicted sibling bullying victimisation. To answer this question, the present study made use of a sample of 780 students in their first year as high schoolers in the Netherlands. A multiple regression analyses showed that the negative affective relationship with the mother and/or the father was a significant predictor for sibling bullying victimisation. The positive affective relationship with the father was a significant predictor, predicting less sibling bullying, while the positive affective relationship with the mother showed no effect. The most important predictor for sibling bullying was the negative affective relationship with the father. This difference could be explained by leadership theory, it is possible that children copy their fathers authoritarian behaviour. Set against the findings of this study, it is important that researchers further investigate the exact role of fathers.