Duurzaamheid in de sociale huursector.
Since the Netherlands decided to sign the climate agreement in Paris 2015, energy transition and sustainable policy is necessary. Based on earlier research it turns out that implementing sustainable policy can be both beneficial as challenging. Especially within the social housing sector because is determined by law that seventy percent of the residents of a social housing accommodation have to support radical renovations before they can be started. According to several theories, among which the theory of planned behaviour, attitudes, needs and engagement are important for predicting the probability that residents will support sustainable policy. In this research the attitudes and needs in relation to sustainable housing policy is studied among rental flat residents in the Dutch city of Utrecht. By interviewing these residents face-to-face, both quantitative as qualitative data is collected and analysed in an exploratory way. The results show us that the residents are very positive about sustainability in general and find this important based on both self-enhancement and self-transcendence values. Also the attitudes about the sustainable renovation are predominantly positive however also ambivalent. The negative attitudes that residents have about the sustainable policy in their flat are also indicating the needs that they have in relation to the renovation. It turns out that needs like: communication, clarification of the plans and time management can be improved by the housing association. By taking these needs more into account, the support of the residents as well as the chances that the sustainable renovation will be a success will increase. Concluding this research shows the important role of public support by implementing sustainable policy.