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dc.contributor.advisorTijsseling, C.
dc.contributor.advisorBaar, P.
dc.contributor.authorRenting, A.W.H.
dc.contributor.authorSteegemans, H.
dc.contributor.authorTimmermans, M.L.M.
dc.contributor.authorVleuten, S.C.G. van der
dc.description.abstractObjective: With this study we aim to evaluate whether Dutch student teachers have the idea that their teacher education prepares them well enough for the implementation of inclusive schooling. The study will focus on 4 different elements of preparation for inclusive schooling, namely knowledge about fundamentals, attitude, skills and preconditions. Method: Qualitative study using semi structured interviews for data collection. Twelve student teachers, 7 females and 5 males with a mean age of 21 years, were interviewed. Results: Eight respondents declared that they received none or little information about the fundamentals of inclusive schooling. Though the remainder (n = 4) mentioned that their educational programme pays sufficient attention to the fundamentals, it should be noted that these respondents defined ‘inclusive schooling’ incorrectly. Four respondents declared explicitly that their educational programme paid no attention to attitude. Three respondents declared their education taught them skills concerning inclusive schooling. Finally, all respondents declared that at the time of conducting the current study no attention was paid to preconditions of inclusive schooling by their educational programme. Conclusion: Student teachers have the idea that their educational programme does not prepare them well enough for the implementation of inclusive schooling. The recommendations provided at the end of this paper concerned in particular adjustments for teacher education programmes in the Netherlands.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleBachelorthesis Pedagogische Wetenschappen. Hebben Nederlandse pabostudenten de indruk dat hun opleiding hen voldoende voorbereidt op de praktijk van het passend onderwijs?
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsstudent teachers; teacher education; inclusive schooling; fundamentals; attitude; skills; preconditions
dc.subject.courseuuPedagogische Wetenschappen

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