Positief blijven, open staan en wíllen leren
This study examines the influence of a visit to the Anne Frank House on the image of Jewish people as seen by Dutch status holders (refugees with a residence permit). This study investigates whether the perception about Jewish people has changed and which aspects of the project ensure that the project is effective, according to those involved. This study contains both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A questionnaire was conducted among 43 Dutch status holders. Also, 8 people involved in the Saïd and Lody projects were interviewed. Results show that the image about Jewish people improved positively over time, but only if status holders went to the Anne Frank House. In addition, a strong correlation is measured between the self-reported knowledge about Jewish people and the extent to which status holders indicate that they like Jewish people. Furthermore, the relationship between the visit to the Anne Frank House and the changing image of Jewish people appears to be fully mediated by the knowledge that status holders have of Jewish people. Finally, the focus on the adult learning process, the structure of the program and the project leaders appear to influence the effectiveness of the project.