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dc.contributor.advisorFantini, E.
dc.contributor.authorMantecchini, G.
dc.description.abstract"On a global scale, one third of the food which is produced for human consumption is wasted. At the same time, different movements related to food and food waste, engage with different practices in order to save food from the dumpster. In this study I inquire the practices which re-insert otherwise wasted food into the mundane sphere of the members of Taste Before You Waste, a non-profit organisation based in Amsterdam which rescues and redistributes food waste on a local level."
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleA taste of food waste. Reintroducing food waste into the everyday life.
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsconsumption; food waste; urban studies; alternative food networks.
dc.subject.courseuuCultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship

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