Challenge or Hindrance? The Moderating Role of Stress Appraisals in Technostress
With ICTs becoming more pervasive in the workplace, it is becoming increasingly important
to understand the stress outcomes experienced by employees when working with these
technologies. The term technostress has been coined to understand this experience. However,
the mechanisms through which employees experience technostress remains a murky affair. In
this paper, we incorporate the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (TSMC) into the
relationship between technodemands and technostress. Specifically, we hypothesise that
technodemands will have a positive relationship with technostress and the ICT user’s
appraisal of technodemands moderate the relationship between technodemands and
technostress. We propose that a challenge appraisal has a buffering effect, while a hindrance
appraisal has an enhancing effect on the technostress experienced by an ICT user. Three
technodemands were selected in the study: quantitative demands, mental demands and role
ambiguity. Data was collected from 188 participants who worked with ICTs to some extent in
their jobs. Correlation and moderation analysis was used to test our hypotheses. Quantitative
demands and role ambiguity were found to have a significant positive relationship with
technostress. Moderate evidence was found to support the moderating roles of stress
appraisals in the relationship between technodemands and technostress, particularly in the
case of hindrance appraisals. Moderate support was found for an enhancing effect present
when a hindrance appraisal is high for quantitative and mental demands, and for a buffering
effect when a challenge appraisal is high for mental demands. Results will be discussed.