From a Traditional Publisher to a Producer of Stories - The Current Situation, Possibilities and Considerations Surrounding Transmediality in the (Dutch) Publishing Industry
In a response to developments in the media entertainment industry, the international publishing industry has started publishing transmedia narratives with a book as the tentpole experience. While such products are not actively produced in the Dutch publishing industry yet, they might become necessary for the industry’s strategic position within the media industry, especially as this industry develops towards more immersive modes of storytelling. This thesis has aimed to evaluate the current situation surrounding transmediality in the Dutch publishing industry and to make a sketch of the opportunities for this development. The research question answered in this thesis is: ‘What role does transmediality play in the international publishing industry, and what are the possibilities and considerations for Dutch publishing companies in using this storytelling technique in their products?’. This is done in four chapters. First, the academic debate surrounding transmediality is discussed. Then, to build a framework for transmediality with the book as a tentpole extension, three international cases of successful transmedia books are analysed. This analysis has functioned to understand the form and possibilities of a transmedia narrative within the publishing industry. Thirdly, this thesis applies the findings from previous chapters to the Dutch publishing industry, using an evaluation case from the Dutch publisher Meulenhoff Boekerij. This evaluation is based on two interviews and the Dutch translation of Lucy Foley’s The Hunting Party which was used as a test, or thought experiment. Finally, applying the findings, a conclusion for the Dutch (commercial) publisher was drawn. This conclusion includes legal, commercial and creative considerations, as well as questions of authorship and concerns about the business model and structure which would arise when a Dutch commercial publisher implies transmediality into their core product.