Pesten: Verschil in prevalentie en aard van pestgedrag bij kinderen van 10-12 jaar op sportverenigingen naar type sport en sekse
Wijs, L.I.P.M. de
Vergeer, P.C.M.
Wouters, S.E.M.
Vinke, J.W.C.
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This study examined differences in prevalence and the nature of bullying and victimization of children, aged 10 to 12 years, in sport clubs regarding type of sport and gender. Two hundred ten questionnaires were distributed and completed on four different primary schools. The results were processed and the children were classified to different roles with regard to bullying. Furthermore, twenty-four interviews were administered to children and subsequently analyzed according to a qualitative method. Results showed that a significant main effect was found for gender, but there was no significant main effect found on type of sport. The most important implication of this study is to clarify the discrepancy between the classified and self-nominated role regarding bullying in future research.