Television and the Elderly: A Television Historiographical Investigation into Television as a Domestic Medium and its role in the lives of Dutch Elderly
In this thesis the following question was investigated: ‘If and how did television play a role as domestic medium in the lives of current Dutch elderly (60+)?’. This was done by conducting oral history interviews with 8 participants and analyzing the answers with a thematic approach. The four main themes that were found were community and social impact, collective memories, family dynamics and sports on television. The themes were analyzed within three different time frames based on impactful life moments: when the television was first introduced to them, when they started their own families, and in contemporary times. It was found that television was and remained a domestic medium. It was also found that in the early days of television, when it was first introduced and when participants started their own families, that watching television was mostly a social and communal activity. Participants would most often watch with other people in their own home, someone else’s home, or in a communal area. This corresponds with findings already found by other researchers. In contemporary times, however, television watching for my participants had changed to a solitary or familial activity, only watching it in their own house. For my participants, sports and the news played large roles in their current television use, with the news being watched (almost) every day and many exceptions in their daily routine and usage being made for sporting events on television. In terms of family dynamics, some interesting findings also arose. Whereas the men seemed to be more in control of the television when it was first introduced and when participants had their own families, the women were now more technologically advanced and used a wider range of programmes and technologies to watch television.