Wat is de samenhang tussen de warmte, conflict en differentiële behandeling in de siblingrelatie en internaliserend en externaliserend probleemgedrag bij kleuters?
The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between internalising and externalising problem behaviour and quality of the sibling relationship (warmth, conflict and maternal partiality) at the age of 4 to 6 years. Also this study tries to look into gender differences in the influence of the sibling relationship on problem behaviour. In total, 573 mothers filled in questionnaires about sibling relationships and internalising and externalising problem behaviour of the target child. Results show a significant negative effect of sibling warmth and a positive effect of sibling conflict on internalising and externalising problem behaviour. Also a negative effect was found of differential control on externalising behaviour. No effects were found of differential attention. In addition, gender differences were found in the effect of differential attention on internalising behaviour, with stronger effects for boys. No gender differences were found in the effect on externalising behaviour. Evidence was also found for reverse patterns: a negative effect of externalising behaviour on warmth and differential control and a positive effect on conflict. Furthermore, internalising behaviour only showed an effect on differential control. Longitudinal research is required to confirm found results.