The added value of cognitive job crafting A quantitative study examining the association between (cognitive) job crafting and job performance, via authenticity
This cross-sectional study examined the relation between cognitive job crafting with job performance, over and above the contribution of behavioural job crafting. Additionally, the mediating effect of authenticity between job crafting and job performance was examined. Data were collected among 361 participants via the database of the consultancy organisation Derks & Derks. Linear regressions using bootstrapping (5000 samples) showed direct associations between organisation focused cognitive job crafting and both contextual and task job performance, over and above the contribution of behavioural job crafting. Mediating effects were found with the PROCESS Macro from Hayes (2013) using bootstrapping (5000 samples) for organisation focused cognitive job crafting on task performance, via authenticity. As for behaviour job crafting, significant mediating effects were found for authenticity between three subscales of behavioural job crafting - structural job recourses, hindering job demands and challenging job demands - and task performance. Subsequently, authenticity also significantly mediated the effect between hindering job demands and contextual performance. This study is among the first to examine the relationship between cognitive job crafting and job performance via authenticity. Lastly, the theoretical and practical implications are discussed.