Stephen King: Modern Myths
In this thesis I will examine in which ways with his fictional evils King’s work draws attention to the social and technological conditions of the contemporary world. Like his Gothic predecessors, King produces characters that are forced to make ethical decisions in an immoral world. In my argument I will try to depict that his fiction, if taken seriously, must be regarded as a 'contemporary social satire,' which discusses contemporary concerns and personal fears. In addition, I will show that King’s horror fiction is emblematic for the current difficulties of the contemporary social conditions. Since King uses Gothic features to depict modern political, technological, and religious concepts, his work can be seen as a continuation and reconfiguration of the traditional Gothic novel. I will show that when the supernatural motif is removed his fiction would be no less terrifying. King departs from the conventions of the horror genre by focusing on (individual) characters. King’s fiction blends realism with fantasy. It is King’s characteristic blend of free will and determinism that combines the different facets of fantasy and reality and makes his fiction unique – at least in the horror genre. Ultimately, my concern is to illustrate that King’s horror fiction is more than trivial literature with the mere function to shock its readership in the search of sensation.