Now we are fighting to stand up again. Syrian refugees’perspectives on entrepreneurship in re-building their professional lives in the Netherlands.
This paper captures the motivations of Syrian refugees in accessing the Dutch labor market as entrepreneurs using qualitative research methods. In recent years, numbers of Syrian refugees coming to European countries were rising, among others to the Netherlands. Since labor market integration is a major step towards successfully integrating into society, it is crucial to gain a more in-depth understanding of the rise in entrepreneurial motivations among Syrians. Hence, Syrian refugees’ individual perspectives on entrepreneurship are explored using Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. Results show a strong aim for financial independence. Findings further show the impact of a loss in material resources and social status as well as the social and cultural context of the country of origin and of the host country influencing Syrian refugees’ entrepreneurial motivations. Social support in the host-country, entrepreneurial experience and a mindset consisting of confidence and solution-finding towards encountered constraints are perceived as helpful assets in realizing entrepreneurial motivations.