Roma and prostitution
More Roma women are engaged in prostitution in the area of Tirgu Mures, Romania, than women from other backgrounds. This research is focused on the question whether having a Roma background influences the probability that women become engaged in prostitution. This means that this research will include ethnicity. Ethnicity might play a role in the decision to become engaged in prostitution. In the situation of the Roma people: being a Roma woman might play a role in the decision to become engaged in prostitution. However, there is a taboo on connecting ethnicity and prostitution since including ethnicity in research often means that a researcher has to deal with ethical challenges and morality. Despite the barriers that make a research more difficult, this thesis will focus on the question whether or not ethnicity of Roma women and becoming engaged in prostitution in the area of Tirgu Mures are correlated. The starting point will be a discussion on the Roma culture including the historical background of the Roma followed by information about the engagement of women in prostitution in the area of Tirgu Mures. Throughout this thesis, the debate around prostitution will be used to look at prostitution from different angles. Besides the literature review, interviews have been carried out and observations made. The question asked in this thesis appears to be problematic. It seems too simple to state that the ethnicity of these women is the explanation for why they become engaged in prostitution. Besides their Roma background, it appears that history, discrimination, poverty and lack of love and affection influence the probability that these women become engaged in prostitution. All these aspects will be subject of the discussion in this thesis.