Houd jij je werk en privé gescheiden van elkaar?
The aim of this article is to investigate the direct and
indirect effects of having a partner and/or having
children on job- satisfaction among the Dutch workforce.
We used two mediators, namely social support and workfamily conflict, to test the indirect effects. We have
examined the difference in these effects between men
and women and whether these effects change over a
period of five years. LISS-data, which are collected
between 2008-2012, are used to test the hypotheses.
The results indicate that there is no association between
having a partner and/ or having children with jobsatisfaction, social support and work-family conflict.
However, work-family conflict is negatively related to
job-satisfaction and social support is also negatively
related to work-family conflict. The effects does not differ
between men and women and the effects remains stable
over time.