Doorstromen naar onderwijs? Voorspellende kindfactoren van een onderwijsperspectief voor kinderen met een verstandelijke beperking.
Background. Since the Law Passend Onderwijs (2014), the goal for children with intellectual disabilities (ID) is to follow (inclusive) education. However, most children with severe/profound ID reside in children's daycare centres (DC). Aim. To promote this law's aim, it is needed to investigate which child characteristics are related to the transition to some sort of education (versus DC), in order to advice DCs to better prepare these children for transition to some sort of education. Method. An online questionnaire was filled out by professional care takers of 85 children (aged 3-18 years) about their education perspective and various child characteristics. Results. Only two of 30 children of 7 years or older (6,7%) had an education perspective, as opposed to 80% of the 45 children age 3 to 6. The next analyses were therefore only carried out for the younger group. The results showed that more positive social behavior, more communication skills and more dailey selfcare skills increased the chance of this perspective. Discussion. To increase chances of an education perspective for children with intellectual disabilities who reside in CD, adaptive skills should be considered as an important focus in interventions and training.