When You Start Playing, Start Listening! The Use of Composed and Pre-Composed Music in Video Games
In the early years of video games their musical soundtracks were mainly composed of classical music, adapted to the medium on which it was programmed. With the evolution of these media, it became possible to compose music specifically for the video game. This does not mean, however, that only composed music is used for video games since then. This thesis analyses two video games: Assassin’s Creed II, which uses composed music, and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, which uses pre-composed music. These video games are analysed on their uses of music and the effects these different uses have. The literature review particularly builds on previous research on this subject, conducted by Karen Collins, combined with several theories from ludomusicology as well as film studies.
Both uses of music were found to act as a soundscape. The pre-composed music was used in a different way than the composed music: composed music could be adapted more effectively to the style and feeling of play than pre-composed music, whereas pre-composed music can more easily be used for sales purposes.